OberMUN 2021

OberMUN 2021

Despite the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, OberMUN 2021 took place and was a success.


From 16 to 18 April


Mun sessions: High school Guglielmo Oberdan.

Cerimonies: High school Guglielmo Oberdan.


Here you can find some documents about OberMUN:  HANDBOOK 2021 

Sessions & Resolution Papers

1. Consiglio di Sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite (UNSC)


  • Finding effective ways governments can defend citizens
    rights in cyberspace, prevent a cyber-attack and stop it from becoming a full-fledged war.
  • Peacekeeping missions and limitations on military occupations in foreign countries

Resolution Papers: Topic A , Topic B

Topics for discussion:

  • International definition of the regulation of the power of the police forces on the citizens.
  • Protection of journalists, activists and reporters in foreign countries.

Resolution Papers: Topic A , Topic B


Topics for discussion:

  • Management of the sanitary system, proportionated to the growth of the population and the health crisis.
  • Regulation of the production, test, approval and distribution of vaccines in accordance with the current international guidelines.

Resolution Papers: Topic A , Topic B

United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs - Austria in Space

Topics for discussion:

  • International accordance on the privatization of space orbits and regulation of the national and international satellites.
  • Finding effective ways to reduce space debris and hold the involved parties accountable for their actions

Resolution Papers: Topic A , Topic B


1. Board

Head Organizers: Arturo Luciani, Anna De Seta, Giulia  Feltrin, Margherita Stecazzini.

Public Relations: Aurora Benetti, Greta Goos.

Committees Organizators: Eloisa Antonaira, Sofia Giani, Lara Tongiorgi.

System Coordinators: Enrico Candotti, Lorenzo Moscati.

Background Guide: Flavio Ceppi, Lilia Grandville.

Obermun Club Ambassador: Elisa Natali.

General coordinator: Prof. Massimo de Forville

2. Capi dei gruppi System

Foto e Social: Beatrice Messina, Gaia Ferrara.

Informatica: Filippo Venuti.

Sicurezza: Matteo Bressa, Stefano Longo.

Stampa: Vladimiro Zacchigna.

Oggettistica & Editing: Alice Conighi, Aurora Virginio.

Ultima revisione il 24-01-2024