OberMUN 2022
From 1 to 3 April
Mun sessions: Prefettura Trieste, Regione FVG.
Here you can find some documents about OberMUN: Handbook 2022
- Role of civil society in post-conflict peacebuilding.
- Establishing international guidelines in order to prevent
terrorist attacks.
Topics for discussion:
- Safeguarding lgbtq+ parenting and step-child adoption by single
and same-sex couple. - The effect and impact od Covid-19 pandemic on mental health.
Topics for discussion:
- Ensuring people with disabilities. Guaranteeing equitable
access to effective health services. - Reducing children mortality and causes of death due to
Topics for discussion:
- Providing protection and safeguard of endangered animals and
species that need protection with the aim of preserving biodiversity. - Promotion of green lifestyle, encouraging the use of renewable
energies in the field of transport.
5. Commission on the Status of Women (CSW)
Topics for discussion:
- Empowering women’s rights by guaranteeing free choice on
abortion. - Ensuring gender equality through the improvement of girls’
access to education in rural countries in order to enable equal
6. Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)
Topics for discussion:
- Ensuring relationships between youth and institutions in order
to create job opportunities for younger generations. - Decriminalization and legalisation on soft drug sale for
recreational use.
Head Organizers: Enrico Candotti, Greta Goos, Elisa Natali, Leonardo Robba
Ultima revisione il 24-01-2024
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